Today, for better or worse, is Valentine's Day, a day that encourages us to appreciate and love the people in our lives, but for many it is difficult to not be cynical today. Whether its because there's a relationship in your life that isn't what you want it to be, there isn't a relationship that you were hoping for, or simply because you think today is a "Hallmark holiday," today is an easy day for many to feel more estranged from those around them than ever. As I work on a Bible assignment for my Biblical Ideas class, though, I am reminded of why today is even possible.
"We love because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19). No matter your thoughts on Valentine's Day or the status of any of the relationships in your life, you are loved today and that love should inspire you to love those around you. It's okay if you just don't feel it right now, but remind yourself that there is a God who loves you so much that He created you with a purpose. You are not here by accident, you are not here to slide by in life. God created you to be who you are and is shaping you to be who you are becoming to fulfill a purpose in this world.
Read Psalm 90 if you need a reminder of this. At first it may make you feel small, as the Psalmist puts God's greatness and infinitude side by side with our small and short lifespans, but rejoice in this: God, who is so great, who has been God "Before the mountains were born or [He] brought forth the whole world" (Psalm 90:2), created you intentionally. You are not an accident, and despite our lifespans being like new grass that "in the morning springs up new, but by evening it is dry and withered" (Psalm 90:6), God created you intentionally. If He did not have a purpose for you, He would not have bothered to bring you forth into this world. You are important.
The Lord, your God, came to this earth as Jesus Christ and gave His life so that you may have life eternal with Him. That is true and absolute love. He lived a perfect life and then took the punishment that you and I deserved out of pure love. You are important and you are loved.
If today you are not feeling love in the air, take a look at some of the other Psalms. Psalm 139, Psalm 23, and Psalm 24 in particular may be good reminders of how deeply the Lord cares for you. Then I encourage you to read 1 John 4:7-21 to see how this love of God should inspire us to live today and every day. Today, love those around you not because it's Valentine's Day or out of any obligation - love because God loved you first. Love because His love radiates through you. Love because His love is the only one that you'll ever need, and the only one that'll never fail.
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