Life gets busy sometimes. It seems like there's always something that needs to be done, something that is next on the to-do list. And when there isn't, there's TV, and Internet, and books, and journals, and all kinds of things to do to relax. There's always friends and people to be around. Time is always being filled.
When I made the transition from middle school to high school, I fell out of talking to God before I went to sleep. I've never been coherent enough in the mornings to focus on Him, and with the start of high school bedtime turned into whenever I finish my homework, not after I've had time to read my Bible. So I shouldn't have been all that surprised when I found that there was distance between God and me.
It wasn't that I decided that God was less important, consciously, at least, my prayer time just kind of...slipped away, I guess. If you look back on all of my posts, there is a noticeable gap in the recent history, a gap during which I wasn't really making time to grow closer to God, so I had very little to share. When prayer was no longer a part of my day to day life, it was only a matter of time until I couldn't write anymore, until I couldn't feel a purpose anymore. God breathes life into me, and without Him, there is no life.
Starting to talk to God again, on a consistent basis, was the best thing that I have done recently. I started a devotional reading plan on the YouVersion online/app based Bible, and starting taking some time to talk to God not only at night, but all throughout the day. I'm making an effort to be in constant communication with Him. Someone once told me that you are always moving when it comes to God, it's just a matter of whether you are moving towards Him, or away from Him. For a while, I was moving away, but now I'm definitely getting closer to Him.
So today, I encourage you to make more time for God. Do a daily devotional, read a Bible verse or two, take a few minutes to tell Him how your day is going, to thank Him for the blessings in your life, to ask for help in your trials. He will breathe new life into you.